"Aztec foundation story of the eagle and the serpent," 395;

Earl's Court Wheel
862; a ride Yashmeen took "centuries ago in her girlhood"; The Great Wheel of Earl's Court was based upon the celebrated Ferris Wheel that had been the most arresting feature of the Chicago Exhibition of 1893. Building commenced in 1894 and it was opened to the public in July 1895. By 1906, the Wheel has ceased to be profitable and was demolished. Read more...

Earp, Wyatt (1848-1929)
37; a Teamster, sometime buffalo hunter, officer of the law, gambler, and saloon-keeper in the Wild West and the U.S. mining frontier from California to Alaska. Wikipedia entry

Eastern Question
168; The "Eastern Question," in European history, encompasses the diplomatic and political problems posed by the decay of the Ottoman Empire (Turkey). The expression does not apply to any one particular problem, instead comprehending a variety of issues raised during the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, including instability in the European territories ruled by the Ottoman Empire; 226; 238; Wikipedia entry

142; The Edda are collections of poetically narrated folk-tales relating to Norse Mythology or Norse heroes. These are fragmentary parts of a (presumably) much larger skaldic tradition of oral narration which has been written down by scholars prior to the tales being lost absolutely. Wikipedia entry

"edges luminous with dew," 27; "the edge of the Antarctic continent," 115; "the high edge of the atmosphere," 121; "To feel herself refined to an edge, an invisible edge of unknown length," 267; "'An edge of steel - mathematically without width,'" 293; "at the edges of the visible, 297; "blade-edge," 313; "a fine edge," 334; the sound of the explosion "wasn't [that of] dynamite, not nearly clean-edged enough," 365; "blunt the edge of desire," 368; "borne terribly over the edge of the visible world," 404; "edges of his form," 410; "clear-edged dreams," 460;

Edison, Thomas Alva (1847-1931)
34; Pierpont's arrangement with; Thomas Edison was an American inventor and businessman who developed many devices which greatly influenced life in the 20th century, including the electric incandescent lamp; scheme "using static electricity" 291; Wikipedia entry

Effendi, Karakas
846; the great singer; From this website:

One of the reasons why the tavernas flourished was Salonica's insatiable appetite for music of all kinds. Before 1912, musical contacts with Istanbul had been very close, and musicians in the sultan's service used to give concerts at the Café Mazlum on the waterfront. "Spring in Salonica" ran one popular Judezmo song, "at Mazlum's café a black-eyed girl sings the amane and plays the oud." Music united all tongues and faiths. "There was not one Salonican who did not run to hear the voice of Karakas Effendi — an elderly man, tall as a pine, his 75 years hidden in a black frock-coat — was an Istanbul Jew who moved easily, like many musicians, between the café and the synagogue, challenging the cantors to see who could chant the blessings more beautifully."

Madame Aubergines, 367; "aubergines à la Sauce Mousseline," 443;

Eigenheit theory


The "El" or "L" is the nickname for the Chicago train system. Many of its tracks are above the streets, or ELevated, thus the nickname.

97-98; Wikipedia entry

elipse of uncertainty

25; plumpness: the bodily property of being well rounded

1044; Mexican scryer in Santa Barbara, and pot dealer;


Emmens, Dr. Stephen
305; Early in 1897, the British chemist Stephen H. Emmens, then residing in New York, announced the discovery of a new element which fills the "vacant space existing in the sub-group of Group I", and which he thought to be the intermediate matter from which silver and gold are formed. Dr. Emmens said: "Our claim is that the element in question is therefore neither silver nor gold, but which may, by our new physical methods, be converted into gold."

In 1897, Dr. Emmens' Argentaurum Laboratory on Staten Island produced over 660 ounces of gold from silver and sold it to the U.S. Assay Office. He revealed a few historical and technical details of his transmutation process in his book, Argentaurum Papers #1: Some Remarks Concerning Gravitation; Article on Dr. Stephen Emmens

Empress Elisabeth (1837-1898)
743; Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie, Duchess in Bavaria, of the House of Wittelsbach, was the Empress consort of Austria and Queen consort of Hungary due to her marriage to Emperor Franz Joseph. While on a visit to Geneva she was assassinated by Luccheni, an Italian anarchist [Sept. 10, 1898], and died at her hotel a few minutes afterwards. Wikipedia entry

1042; "other girl" in Syncopated Strangler case;

English Rose

944; technician in Professor Sleepcoat's party;

Entrevue, Madame
904; her establishment in London;

645; El Paso, Texas

Epworth League

Ernest-Augustan Age
231; Ernest Augustus (1771-1851), aka the Duke of Cumberland, was the fifth son and eighth child of King George III of the United Kingdom and Queen Charlotte. He had a reputation as one of the least pleasant of the sons of George III. Politically an arch-reactionary, he opposed the 1828 Catholic Emancipation Bill proposed by the government of the Prime Minister, the Duke of Wellington. Rumor strongly suggested that he had murdered his valet, and other horrific stories told about him included rumors of incestuous relations with Princess Sophia, his sister. He is also alleged to have made an indecent assault on Sarah, Lady Lyndhurst, the wife of Lord Lyndhurst, three-time Lord Chancellor. There is, however, little to no historical evidence that any of these events were more than rumor; Wikipedia entry

Ernst and Adolph
88; bartenders at Pap Wyman's Saloon

er-Raisuli, Mulai Ahmed
520; local warlord in Tangier; played by Sean Connery in The Wind and the Lion (1975). external article

This article lists errors found so far in the first U.S. edition of Against the Day.

"outlaws . . . not yet come to be haunted by the promise of Christ's return," 127; "Rapture of the North," 138; "with only dwindling moments of normal history remaining, where could any of them have found refuge in time?" 152; "Smegmo is the Messiah of kitchen fats," 407; "that apocalyptic sweep of masses," 409; "Simple Rapture of the Sands," 433; Armageddon to be silent, 443-44; See also, Zion.


Eskimoff, Madam Natalia
226; a "classic English Rose"; explosion at seance, 229; "the comely ecstatica" 230; 617; "the kindly ecstatic" 670; 720;

533; the most widely spoken constructed international language. The name derives from Doktoro Esperanto, the pseudonym under which L. L. Zamenhof first published the Unua Libro in 1887. The word itself means 'one who hopes'. Zamenhof's goal was to create an easy and flexible language as a universal second language to foster peace and international understanding; Wikipedia entry

Espinero, El
390; Indian in Mexico; Indian shaman tending to Frank, 920; Tarahumare, 983;

Esthonia Hotel

390; sister in law of Espinero; double of Stray Briggs, 393;

Eternal Return
132; 409; 452; "cursed to return, and return," 555; Wikipedia entry

Eternal Return (also known as "Eternal Recurrence") is a concept which posits that the universe has been recurring infinitely and will continue to recur infinitely in the exact same self-similar form;

Etienne-Louis Malus
114; schooner used by the Vormance Expedition; 118; 126;

Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783)
115; Swiss mathematician and physicist. He developed important concepts and proved mathematical theorems in fields as diverse as calculus, number theory and topology. He is widely considered to have proposed a theory that the earth is hollow, although according to an uncited suggestion in the Hollow Earth wikipedia article, this may result from a misreading of a thought experiment. 593; Wikipedia entry

Everett, Mexican Pete

"civilized evil in far-off lands," 146; "evildoers," 173; "wrongdoers," 209; "evildoers," 210; "delights of Evil," "what you'd have to call Evil," "pearly whites - or in Evil's case, mossy greens," 219; 374;

"Dynamite's National Holiday," 81; 97; "'Exlposion without an objective . . . is politics in its purest form," 111; "Salsa Explosiva Original," 129; "each explosion was like the text of another sermon," 214; "saw you emerge out of an explosion," an "unscheduled Explosion, introduced into the accustomed flow of the day, may easily open, now and then, passages to elsewhere," 221; "not exactly an explosion," "voice of an explosion," 229; "magnesium flash-lights were exploding everywhere," "detonations of flashpowder," 293; "explosives," 385;

extra man
125; "of Arctic myth"; T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land may be a source of this reference. Speculations on source of the "extra man"...

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